Monday, August 30, 2010

5.3 A1C

Today at the endo appointment my A1C came up as 5.3!!  I cannot tell you how excited I am to share that with everyone - with people that GET IT!  Sure Hubby is very excited too but other than that who else would understand the "hugeness" of this!

This will ensure that No. 2 is safe, especially during this last leg of the pregnancy when he could be packing on the chub if my sugars are high.  Also this reduces the chance that No. 2 will have low blood sugars when he is born.  So that is great!

This week has been very productive.  The nursery is done.  The furniture is moved in.  Hubby and our pastor's family and father-in-law are all down stairs mudding and sanding the basement.  We will be painting tomorrow and maybe carpeting by the end of the week.  So excited.

My parents are arriving back in the country tomorrow at noon and they will be in our house by evening.  I can't wait to see them!

I just wanted to quickly share my small victory.  My OB scheduled an induction for Sept 8th if I don't go into labour on my own by then.  So that may just be No. 2's birth day.


  1. That's AMAZING! I hope my A1C looks like that when I'm in my third trimester. You rock, awesome job!

  2. YAY!!!!!! I was SURE the next post we saw from you would be the big announcement....AHHHH!!!!

    I'm totally revisiting my doula days of being excited for labor ;)

  3. That is SPECTACULAR! My A1C is creeping up from 7.1 to 7.7 and now higher (though I havent tested it in a week). I'm sick and my sugars are going rampant! I hate it :(

    Glad to hear you're doing well!

    PS. It totally is great to tell people this info with those who get it.


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