Monday, October 25, 2010

Thinking about the Future

Yesterday Hubby and I went for the visitation for a friend's mom's funeral.  She passed away after a 6 year battle with cancer.  That hit home for me.  I can't help but put myself in their shoes since Hubby and my dad both went through cancer (Hodgkin's for Hubby and non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma for my dad) in the last two years.  Both are now in remission and we are thankful to God for that.

But I still can see my family there... I can't help it.  I have really felt myself falling in love more and more with Hubby as the years go on.  God has blessed us more than we could ever deserve and losing him would be devastating.  I fully believe he would be going to be with Jesus in heaven - in a perfect paradise with no pain, no tears, no cancer... but yet it would be a loss for me.  I am only human.

On the drive home from the funeral home Hubby and I were talking about all of this.  That led me to think about what life might be like for us when we are older... due to my diabetes.  There may be complications... even if my control is good - over time I would imagine things will still go wonky.  I hope not... I guess I've got to do more research on that.  Anyone know?

I do have a wonderful elder lady at my church who is simply fabulous.  She has had Type 1 diabetes since her teens and she is now in her sixties.  She's been on insulin almost all her life and she is doing great.  She is vibrant and feeling good.  I hope to be like her when I turn 60.

I know that staying active has a huge impact on my health, so last week I started running again.  It felt so good.  I strapped on my "fanny pack" (for lack of a better word and because I have no idea what brand it is - I purchased it at the expo the day before the Detroit Free Press Marathon - it has no tag of any kind on it...) and headed out.  It's a pretty neat one.  It has two pockets, one small and one big, with two loops for gels, I guess.  Well I clipped my pump in one of the loops, my iPhone and poker in the big pocket and my Aviva Nano tester in the little pocket.  I turned on Monkey Business by the Black Eyed Peas on my iPhone and had a great run!

When I returned home I got ready to take a shower and tested.  I was 3.4 but feeling great.  I corrected my low and made a mental note to take some carbs next time before I leave.

Yesterday Hubby and I went out for a run together.  It was fantastic!  I loved running side by side with my love.  It was so cool.  I can't wait to go out again.

The baby is doing great and I love him so much.  Being a mom of two is keeping me busy and active.  I am enjoying every minute of it.


  1. ..what I can say, GO Rebeca, GO!

  2. I love how dialed in your hubby is with your management. It seems management is the most we can hope for for now. I wish there was a cure. I thought you might find this article about the impact fathers have on juvenile diabetes and children's perception of management interesting and I wanted to share.


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