Thursday, July 15, 2010

The End is Near

So I am now using about 300 units of insulin every 2 days!  Two days!  I am up to 30u/day for my basals alone.  So frustrating.  And it seems the 3:1 ratio is not enough because no matter what I did today - I would skyrocket after meals and then the correction on the pump would just shrug its shoulders at me and I would have to guesstimate how much to correct.  And I have another 54 days to go. 

I saw the baby today at the ultrasound.  He's weighing in at about 5 lbs and a bit.  That means he's practically ready.  Noah was 9lbs 9oz when he arrived so I guess No. 2's got a bit to go.  I haven't put on a single pound in the last two months.  Something neither my ob or endo are concerned about.  I was a bit.  But they said it's fine.  In total I've put on 25 pounds... but that stopped cold turkey around the time I killed "the carb terrorist".

I am waking up at night to respond to high alarms on my pump more than to pee... but then since I'm awake and frustrated anyways why not stumbble down the hall, and hit my shins on some toys on my way to the bathroom?  Sounds familiar? 

I can't wait to deliver this placenta.  Sure, it's doing lots of good for the baby, but it's kindda like an overbearing mother - doesn't really realize how much damage it's doing while it's breathing down my baby's neck.  Just ease up a bit Mrs. Placenta.  I'm not trying to harm my baby, really.  This is called "insulin", it's okay for the baby to get some.  Quit resisting it! 

I am a tad frustrated, as you can tell.  We are about to wrap up week two with no kitchen.  Imagine that - I'm 7 months pregnant, nesting, and my house is three or four steps backwards.  Now I'd like to add the front of my house to my list of things under renovation.  I have a beautifully landscaped front yard... correction: I HAD a beautifully landscaped front yard.   Complete with miniture evergreens and bushes of all types and sizes.  I did not do it myself - it came with the house.  Aside from some light trimming here and there, some new mulch every year, it's pretty maintenance free.  Well now with the "leaky foundation" we had to dig up the whole side of the house AND in front of the bay window where all that landscaping is.  Two talls "twisty" trees and two evergreen bushes (one is a blue spruce - I think... shows you how much I really know about gardening or landscaping) are no in the middle of a big pile of dirt in the middle of our front yard.  Will they surrvive the move?  Who knows?  They have to make it until we 1. seal off the foundation, 2. pour in rocks 3. push back all the dirt 4. THEN they can go back to their original spot.  Maybe tomorrow... if it stops raining tonight and the blocks completely dry so we can 1. seal off the foundation with this sticky "blueskin", then 2. etc etc etc.

I am trying to be patient and understanding.  I'm sure you can sense a lot of sarcasm in this post.  And I guess I am just venting.  There is a reason.  There is a reason.  I gotta believe I am supposed to learn something through all of this: patience... maybe.  Trust... probably. 

So I will now go and try and do something relaxing.  Unwind from a stressful, hot day.  Maybe a soothing bath... hm.  Yeah, that sounds nice.


  1. The end is in sight. I know it's all very frustrating. The numbers would always make a mess of my mind. I hated taking so much insulin in such a short amount of time. It's all worth it in the end. Hang in there and continue venting when you need to. We're all here for you.

  2. I love what you said about the placenta - I hope you dont mind I quoted you on my blog.

  3. I'm 13 weeks along and this is what I am SO afraid of. Right now I've cut WAY back on my basals and carb ratio and I'm still having trouble keep my sugars up. BUT I know it's only a matter of time before my placenta turns against me. . . and it won't be pretty. :-(

    Hang in there! The end is near!

  4. I hear your pain about the messed-up garden. We've had the painters doing the exterior of our house, and while they've done a good job, they pretty much trashed my lovely new rose gardens :( Wah! And worst is that they are not done, we have to wait for them to come back to finish the chimney. So I can't even get out there and start re-planting in case they destroy it all again.

    Keep up the great work! You've not got long to go now! :)


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