Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rebeca's Birth Plan

Type 1 Diabetic
I am on an insulin pump with Constant Glucose Monitoring
-       I have great control of my diabetes with A1Cs at 5.9%
-       my pump and glucose sensors will remain on during the labour and I would like to stay hydrated and on top of my diabetes on my own as opposed to IV

Friends and Family
We plan on having these people present during the labour and delivery:
-       The Hubby
-       The doula

Prefer a natural birth.
Please do not offer the epidural as we would prefer to cope with the pain by walking, using the shower, the tub, a birthing ball etc. before pain medication.
-       We would like to utilize the tub for as long as possible and even multiple times through out labour (if available)

We would like any required fetal monitoring to be done while standing, as dealing with a contraction while lying down is very difficult (as experienced during labour with our first son).

Hospital Personnel
We would prefer that all unnecessary staff be turned away from “watching” the delivery.  Also, we ask that no student/resident teaching be done during the labour/delivery. 

We would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless determined to be medically necessary.

Umbilical Cord
Hubby would like to assist in cutting our baby’s umbilical cord.

Breast Feeding
I would like to nurse the baby right after birth.  

If a C-section becomes necessary, I would like to have my husband present.  In this situation also, I would like to nurse my baby right away.

Baby’s BG levels after Birth
If the baby will have low blood glucose, I would like to nurse the baby to elevate his blood sugars. 

We thank you for taking the time to help us achieve a natural birth for our son.

So there it is.  My birth plan.  I'm sure it won't all go according to this but these are my wishes and I hope they will be somewhat honoured.  It's so hard to not come across as demanding or  "I know more than all you trained and experienced doctors and nurses".  I used a lot of "we would like"/"we prefer".  I hope they won't roll their eyes at these and talk behind my back at the nurses' station while I'm in labour.  LOL, typical me.  Even during labour I'm concerned if people like me.  Wow... I'm a hard-core people pleaser I guess.

P.S. My bag is packed and I am ready... the house isn't but it seems baby won't wait much longer.  Just a hunch I have.  I hope I'm wrong.

PPS Today we purchased the rest of the drywall necessary for The Basement Project, as well as all the doors and the paint.  We even looked at couches for the new family room and toddler beds for Noah - since his current toddler bed will be once again transformed into a crib.  We didn't find everything we needed, furniture-wise... so we'll have to go on another shopping trip soon.  Today we hit Lowes, IKEA and CostCo.  It just about put me in labour.  


  1. That is a fantastic, to the point birth plan. I love it :) I'm TOTALLY with you on the wearing the pump and not the drip. The drip isn't as portable is it?? I heart your 5.9% a1c too.

    Just a little snippet of random info - here in my city all babies of T1 have a mandatory NICU stay. I quizzed my ob on it a few weeks ago when I popped in for a visit and she said that it's protocol - not as cool as what you've got in store for sure!!

    Can't wait to see the finished basement project. We don't have an Ikea in my country - it's a really good excuse for making a 3 hour flight!

    All the very best my dear - can't wait to see you 'on the other side'!!! :)


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