Then off I went to see my endocrinologist as well. Other than low BGs when I am waking up (due to really agressive wake up basals) everything is all good. We dialed back the basals a bit and then we started talking about "So once the baby is delivered..." I sat there in the chair in his office and it hit me - No. 2 is almost here. I am less than three weeks away from holding the little stinker. He explained that he'd like me to keep my pump on for labour and for the delivery and then as soon as I deliver to turn the pump off. He was telling me that he's had some ladies that went into a "honeymoon" state where they did not need a drop of insulin for up to 5 days! What?! I've heard swimming to cure diabetes but delivery too? I guess he was explaining that once that placenta ( her and I didn't really get along all that well ) is out my insulin requirements will be much much less.
Now in week 37, I am using about 36 units of insulin and we just set up the Pattern A to pre-pregnancy basals (I'll be flipping to this basal pattern as soon as No. 2 is out) to be down to 11.5 units per day. That is crazy, eh? But at first to run Pattern B which is set up to 0.0 right across the board. To watch the before meals. He said for the first meal to not bolus and then to test and see where I am at. For example if before the meal I am at BG of 4 (70s) then 2 hrs after I am at 14 (mid 200s) to correct and then only bolus for meals. If it's good, then to just keep watching it. If I find that my before meals are high to go ahead and flip back to Pattern A which is the before pregnancy basals.
He said he's sending in the orders to the OB. That means it's really soon!
He also said they will be running a sugar IV for the first 3 or 4 hours after delivery... I'm not sure how I feel about that. I would like to be able to nurse the baby and be free from tubes and all that jazz.
I haven't really talked about my plans on the blog for the delivery... mainly because I haven't formulated my "birth plan" yet. But just off the top of my head - I would like to have a natural delivery with no epidural and no episiotomy and no forceps/vacuum ... That's how it went for Noah and it was great. I mean, the delivery went smoothly - it was not great! But we made it through safely and with no complications. I figure I am already high risk why add all these other drugs and such that raise the likelyhood of other things going wonky? God created us to deliver children. I'm not trying to be a martyr and I am not a crazy extremist home-homebirther (not that there is anything wrong with women who choose to go that route - close friends of mine have had all their kids at home) - I know that is not an option for me and I wouldn't choose it even if it was. I am more comfortable at the hospital in case that something does go wrong. But I do understand that delivering a child is not a sickness - I am not at the hospital because I am sick - I am there to have a baby and these wonderful people will assist me in doing just that.
Anyways, I was much more assertive and I knew the whys and hows with Noah... I just know I want it to go off without a hitch like with Noah. I didn't refresh my research this time around. I think I will do that in the coming days. I praise God that I even have the option to have options... you know what I mean? My OB is totally flexible and is fine with whatever I choose - I told him that I trust his medical judgement and that I will be telling him only what my wishes are. If for whatever reason there is a need to intervene that is fine. Do it. But let me know. We'll discuss it and Hubby and I will let you know what decision we've come to. The OB is the expert; we are concerned and well-meaning parents. We want only the very best for mommy and baby.
Ek, as I talk about all of this I realize how unprepared I am right about now. I am so excited and I can't wait to hold No. 2 and nurse him and all of that! But at the same time I am a tad bit scared. I have a lot of wonderful friends and family praying for me - they all understand the risks involved. And I do too.
But I also understand that my God is in charge. He already knows how this will all go down and I trust in Him. I believe God. When he says he wants only good things for his children, I believe it. And when things don't go according to my plans I thank him that he knows better than me and that he still has my best interest at heart. Even with Diabetes. I know there is a reason why I have this invisible awful but manageable disease... even if I don't know what that reason is.
Stay tunned for "The Birth Plan".
Ahhh....memories :) Happy Happy Memories.
ReplyDeleteIn my previous life (as in, PRE 2 YEAR OLD CWD) I was a doula. I loved it. I had a little home based practice and found it incredibly rewarding.
But...finding on-call childcare in the middle of the night is rough -- doing it for a CWD is nearly impossible. Because of the varying hours that my husband worked (and the unpredictability of labor), I needed someone who could be on call to help when needed. That's asking ALOT from someone.....just so **I** can get my baby fix :)
D affected my personal final 2 deliveries. I made decisions I would have never made otherwise -- epidurals and AROM both times just to get to the point and get my husband home to manage diabetes.
I labored alone with my last baby. He dropped me off at the door and went home to wait for my call. I sat on the ball, walked the halls, and rocked alone. I waited as long as I could before calling him. I knew once he left her, the clock would start....it would be time.... Time to bid my pregnancy days farewell.
Around 6cm I called. He came. Just like before, we got the epidural, snagged the bag, and had a baby -- as if it was a factory. He stayed for an hour -- took some pictures....and left. We don't have family here. We were relying on neighbors who didn't even have kids, let alone know a thing about managing a CWD.
I stayed alone for the next 2 days -- just my baby and me. It was a very special time.
Diabetes creeps in. It always creeps in.
But I wouldn't have my daughter any other way. God made her. Her pancreas doesn't work, but she's still an incredible creation of God.
I will pray for your childbirth journey....and I look forward to reading your birth story :)
Oh Wendy! I'm sorry it went down that way for you. I love your optimism though. That's great. I'll watch the girls for you ;) No family around eh? What about a church family?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I will be having a doula as well. And she is my coach. My "YOU CAN DO IT!" sergeant/cheerleader.
With Noah all they did was AROM (that's "break my waters" - artificially rupture of membrane, right?) and then everything else started on it's own. I laboured for about 6 hours and then two pushes he was out! :) That part was great. It happened fairly quickly I would say...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to holding No. 2 :) Can't wait!!!