After another delicious breakfast: yogurt, bagels with cream cheese and jam, fruit and a cup of coffee, we had class again. Today we learned some of the dog handling collars and how to handle a dog. First we practiced on a giant stuffed horse.

There is a lot of positive encouragement and lots of praise. We are taught to say the dog's name and then the command. "Ju-Jube, heel. Good dog! That's a good boy." They love it. It is their pay check. The reason they follow the commands. They are so eager to please and want so badly to do what you want them to.
Then we learned about the kennel. Most dogs and dog owners do not like the kennel. But to these dogs the kennel is never used in any negative way. They are never put into it when they misbehave or long periods of time. They see the kennel as a time to unwind and not be required to "work". So they willingly go in; eagerly even. They also go in "naked" - no harness, no Martingale, no Halti. So it's very welcoming to them. Then when they need to come out - after arriving back from groceries let's say, they may be super excited that you're home. But Erica recommended we don't go straight to them and let them out or else we are enforcing that excitable behaviour. She recommends going and putting away groceries or whatever short time is needed for the dog to be calm, then it can come out. It was fascinating. Although the door to the kennel is open, the dog will not come bounding out. It would not take a step until Erica said "okay". Then Quizno came out and the Martingale went back on and the leash. I liked Quizno very much. When he was in the "sit" position he looked identical to the plastic dogs you see in grocery stores or Walmart that are "donation bins" for the Lions Foundation.
After being here for only 24 hours I am amazed at all that they do there. Type 1 Diabetics are not the only ones who benefit. They train seizure dogs, autism dogs (they have 3 years wait list), seeing eye dogs and hearing ear dogs. It's amazing. And it's all through donations. This dog that I will receive tomorrow has cost the organization around $25,000 and it comes to me at no charge. That is amazing.
Once class was let out there was just over an hour to nap before dinner. And that is what I did. Right away. The light didn't even get turned on in my room. I did a faceplant on the bed and passed out. When I woke up I finally started feeling better.
Enjoyed dinner (and ate brussel spouts for the first time) and then hung out with this cute little 8 week old puppy in the common area.
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