The two little monkeys are keeping me busy. It's pretty hard to enforce TimeOut with the toddler when the infant is at my boob. :) But you gotta do what you gotta do - consistency is key in disciple.
My sugars have been kindda all over the place. I have a sensor on again... after hitting a 23 one day simply because I did not test for hours upon hours. Somewhere in there I must have had a meal or a large snack and forgot to take any insulin for it. Well I say enough is enough. I plopped another sensor on and now I hear the familiar beep beep BEEP letting me know my sugar is going up. "Oh yeah, I didn't bolus."
After being so used to having a sensor, going without throws me for a loop. So anyways, I wanna say the 23 was a one time thing but it wasn't. Even with the sensor on, if the METER BG NOW prompts me to test and I don't (and then it does it again every hour for the next 4 and I still don't) a 17 is not a surprise. I am not used to testing before every meal - the sensor usually tells me where I'm at... and if I forget to bolus (as if I haven't been diabetic for over 6 years and needed insulin AT EVERY MEAL!!!!) then the sensor will beep at me. Anyways, all that to say I am not trying hard enough. It's sad to say but it's the truth. In fact, let me check *looks down at pump* right now I have a METER BG prompt (and it's been there for almost two hours). Ugh! *goes and retrieves tester* 11.7 see? That's bad. I'm a bad diabetic. Alright, lets do this *updates sensor* *bolus wizard to correct high* What is going on? It doesn't want to give me anything to correct the high. It says I have enough insulin on board... but that is only true if I bolused correctly... Sometimes I override the wizard and give myself a guestimate amount of insulin. Sometimes (most of the time) I was wrong in bolusing. But sometimes after doing an override I end up with a low. Let's think here... Yesterday I had a high around lunch time and the wizard did the math calculation for the correction and it was right. I was down to 4.6 in about 2 or 3 hours. And now? Do I trust it and also trust that I bolused for the correct amount of carbs? Or since I doubt my bolusing I also doubt it? So much thinking.... I have baby brain right now and feel as if I won't make the right decision...*do nothing* Hopefully it will correct itself. I'll see in about an hour or so... if it's not going down, I'll do the wizard again.
Yesterday I woke up with a low and that threw the whole day outta whack. After overcorrecting with way too many carbs - I wanted to eat everything in sight - , I felt like I had a huge high but my sugar reading was 7.8 . Why is that? If I bolused correctly and if my BG is saying I am good, why do I feel so rotten?
As I was holding Josh, while Noah was playing on the carpet in front of us, I had the same sensation as if I was driving and suddenly got really drowsy. I felt as if I might just fall asleep right there on the armchair in the living room, leaving my infant baby and toddler to fend for themselves. It was scary. I made myself stand up and walk over to the phone to call my father-in-law. I asked him to come over and watch the boys while I napped. He was very gracious and came over promptly. I passed off Josh and kissed Noah on the head. Then I dragged my feet to the bedroom and passed out immediately. No tossing, no turning; just sleep.
My father-in-law brought Josh in to nurse two hours later and told me he'd be taking Noah back to his place to give me some more time to sleep. I said thank you and me and Josh fell asleep together on my bed. I woke up another 2 hours later not feeling any better. Hubby was just walking in the door from work and took Josh to change him before brining him back to me to nurse him. I think I fell asleep for a bit again... that was kindda scary. I don't ever nap for more than 2 hours, 3 max! I had slept 5 hours and still felt lousy. Hubby brought my tester and asked me to test (my sensor had not been updated, of course). *test* 5.1 - so it wasn't that. Later on in the evening I got some muscle cramps and was feeling quite lousy still. Finally by 10 or 11 I felt normal again. I'm not sure what was up with all of that. But at least it was a one day thing.
Today is much better. I am tidying up and doing what feels like laundry for a small army. A friend from work is stopping by to meet Josh later and I am quite excited to see her.
Life is busy for sure. But life is also great. I have two wonderful boys, a loving husband, a gracious family and more blessings than I deserve. God is good!
HOLY MAC!!!!! That's crazy. CRAZYYYY!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're not a bad diabetic. You're a new mommy with 2 and trying to figure it all out. Hang in there....and post when you can to keep us updated :)