Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A tiny bit further along..

So the whole thing is moving at a snail's pace.  It seems we keep hitting brick walls.  We bought some marble tile that we decided we'd lay with the black granite and get some sort of checkered pattern in our kitchen.  We emptied out one CostCo of all their Marble tile and went home.  We called around and the other 3 or 4 CostCos we called in the area had anywhere from 50-80 boxes on hand ( we only needed an extra 10 boxes ) so we started on the project that night.  We were up until after midnight laying down all the tiles that we had - and it looked awesome. 
Early the next morning I went to the next CostCo to pick up the rest of the tile that I needed.  WOW!  It's not the same colour.  But the same item number and the same brand and everything. So I went to the next CostCo (20 minutes away) and found the same thing.  Beige marble tiles.  Not greyish like the ones at home.  And the next Costco (30 min away) same story!  How is it possible that out of all the 8 or 9 CostCos in the area the CostCo we happen to clean out of marble tile was the ONLY one that had a different tile?!   I thought "It's okay.  That's only 3 out of 8.  I'll hit the other ones the next day."  So I did.  My expedition continued... and guess what.  Not the same!  But all the CostCos I stopped by, would have nicely matched one another - GO FIGURE - but none matched what we ALREADY laid down at home.  
 So we're in a little bit of a pickle.  I'm interested to see how God will help us out in this.  Imagine me, 8 months pregnant waddling from CostCo to CostCo determined to see for myself that this tile does not match.  Never mind that every associate that I got on the phone at every one of the CostCos I called assured me their tile in the warehouse is most certainly beige and not gray.  I had to see it for myself.  But I have stressed out about it and it's gotten me nowhere.  So I have now prayed about it and I will wait upon the Lord to come through somehow.  (Why didn't I think to do that before freaking out?)  It may seem trivial to pray for help with a "tile problem" but I know my God is a God that cares about the details and the daily stresses of my life (he says he knows the number of hairs on my head -Matt 10:30 - and that he is also the one that knits together the baby in my womb -Psalm 139:13-) why wouldn't he care and want to provide all good and wonderful things for us?  - he does care about my tile kitchen and he does want me to come to him with all my worries and concerns. 

Thankfully, I've got one CostCo manager who graciously offered to contact the manufacturer of the tile in California and see what they can do.  And my mother-in-law went all over town at the specialty flooring stores (since we've already checked all the Big Box stores) and she found one place that has a marble tile that is close enough that it will do - but it's about three times the price of the CostCo tile.  So we'll see.  It is possible.  Somehow this will resolve.  I will not allow the hormones to take over.  I will keep it in perspective.  Check out the kitchen floor I will have when it's done!  That alone makes me feel great!  My Hubby and father-in-law are doing it all themselves too!  Praise God for handymen! 
Tomorrow it's on to The Basement Project.  We're going to start with drywall!  That is pretty exciting!  :)  Yay for drywall.

While in the States hitting CostCo after CostCo, I also stopped by Toys R Us.  I picked up some more stuff for No. 2 - a new baby seat (the Prince Lion Heart brand - Noah had one but it was lost in the flood), diaper bag, and some rattles and toys that are ever so cute!  So that kindda cheered me up too.  It's always fun getting new stuff for the baby.
On the diabetic front - yesterday's A1C results: 5.9  How great is that?!  Despite all the craziness and the weekly basal increases and the correction factor that just didn't seem to wanna co-operate (finally now it seems to have been tamed) it seems somehow all is still well with the baby.  Thursday I'm going to another ultrasound and seeing my brilliant OB too... oh and the chiropractor too.  My Thursdays from now until the baby are jam-packed with doctors.  I see about 3 or 4 every Thursday - every other Thurs there's an NST and an ultrasound the other - with a visit to see the OB right after and the Endo after that... and I scheduled my chiropractor on the way in... So yeah. It's basically: Chiropractor at 10 am, Ultrasound/NST 10:45, OB noon, Endo 1:30ish.   I gotta bring a really good book with me since a lot of that is the waiting game.  From waiting room to waiting room to waiting room.  One more month.  Wow!  Really eh?  I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tile!! Love it! I'm sorry that it's literally running you around town...but I think the right color is on the floor :) Congrats on the great A1c!


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