Anthony, May 8th, 2010, 1 hour old
"Children are a gift from the Lord" Psalm 127:3
One of my long time best friends, Andra, just had a baby this morning, Anthony - born at 8 am on the dot. He is so sweet and so precious.

It's been so exciting to be pregnant at the same time as one of my closest friends. We've known each other for 15 years and I really can't believe it - we are both moms! I still see her as the little girl that I used to walk home from grade school with, singing "I've been thinking about you, I've thinking about you, baby! I've been thinking, I've been praying, just about you, YOU HUNK!" (a song we made up...
LOL). I remember when the "
toonie", the Canadian two-dollar coin came out in 1996, and we watched the "Big Reveal" on the bubbled TV screen. I remember pulling out a new bag of milk one day in the summer and while she held the bag on the table I snipped the corner. We certainly laughed until we cried over that spilled milk.
As soon as she called to let me know she was pregnant last year late in the fall, I got the pregnancy itch. Suddenly it was time for me and
hubbie to "start trying". So we followed suit, and announced our pregnancy New Years Day 2010.

Earlier this year, I was able to help her out with her baby shower registry. So there we were two
preggos waddling around in Toys R US and going scanner-happy. We've taken quite a few pictures with our growing bellies every chance we got. She was such a glorious
preggo lady. She somehow found the time to curl her hair with hot rollers almost every day! She was all baby in the front and strutted around in black tights and the cutest
preggo tops. We talked and talked about pregnancy and delivery; over email, over the phone and over texts. I shared with her everything I could possibly remember about my delivery with Noah. She was very thankful for the advice and tried to absorb everything like a sponge. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but having gone through it once you
kindda know what to expect and that is a leg-up on any first-time-mom.
I'm letting the tired mama catch up on the sleep she missed last night before begging her for all the details of the birth. Her little boy is beautiful and she was emotional and filled with love when I talked to her this morning. I can't wait to hold the little monkey next weekend when I go for a visit.
But even more it makes me long for the day when I will also hold my very own second little monkey,
Nr. 2.
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